Sunday, February 7, 2016

Phases of the moon lab

Part 1: Phases of the Moon
1) What phase must the Moon be in during a solar eclipse? New Moon
2) What phase must the Moon by in during a solar eclipse? Full Moon

Part 2: Where is the Moon in the sky?
1) When will the Moon rise if the phase is 1st quarter? 12 noon
2) when will the Moon rise if the phase is full? 6 pm
3) When will the Moon be on your meridian if the phase is 3rd quarter? 6 am
4) When will the Moon set if the phase is 1st quarter? midnight
5) When will the Moon be on your meridian if the phase is new? 12 noon
6) If the full moon is just setting in the west, what time of day is it? 6 am

Part 3: The Moon's rotation
1) Of the two different procedures you used, in which one does the Moon rotate with respect to the sun? Phase 3
2) Given the fact that the "main-in-the-moon" surface features are always pointed toward the Earth, which procedure must describe the Moon's actual motion around the Earth? Phase 2
3) From Earth's point of view, is the "dark" side always the same as the "hidden" side? Explain. No, there is a possibility of a New Moon.

Part 4: phases of the planets
1) Do both inferior and superior planets have the same phases? If not, which ones are different? No, all phases are different. (In a different sequence)
2) At what phase do you think a superior planet will be brightest? Explain. At full, it is at opposition to Earth where these sun shines.

Part 5: End of lab questions
1) Does a lunar and solar eclipse occur every time the Moon completes an orbit? Explain. No, because the moon has a tilted orbit, so they aren't always crossing paths in the correct way to have a lunar or solar eclipse.
2) Why are these different? The moon must catch up to the Earth's orbit, as it is about 2 degrees behind.
3) If you were on a spaceship, following the Earth-Moon system, would you always see the same side of the Moon? No, the moon spins as well as orbits.
4) If this were true, what phase could never occur for Venus? Full Phase
5) Can a superior planet ever be seen at midnight? yes
6) list the inferior planets. Venus, mercury
7) list the superior planets. jupiter, mars, saturn, uranus, neptune
8) list 3 things you learned during this lab.
-There are such rings as superior and interior planets
-A full moon occurs every 29 days
-the moon is on a tilted orbit
9)What was the point of this lab? To complete a practical, hands on experiment that helps learn about the phases of the moon.

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