Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Baker Lab #1 - Constellations - Trey Riley

Name: Trey Riley
Lab Partner Name: Bradley Balsters
Baker Lab Experiment #1: Constellations
Date: February 17, 2016

          The purpose of this experiment is to study and gain a better understanding of constellations through astronomical observations with telescopes and the unaided eye. Constellations, planets, the Moon, and individual stars are to be observed, while specific data such as azimuth, altitude, and time of observation is to be recorded. Certain constellations, planets, and stars are not visible during the winter of the northern hemisphere. Of the eighty-eight official constellations that are observable, roughly five were able to be seen. Although I do not know all of the constellations, the app Star Chart did help specify which constellations I was observing. Each observable astronomical feature rises and sets, and are best observed at specific times of day. If a certain astronomical feature is tracked for an hour with altitude, azimuth, and time recorded, there will be changes in all three subjects.

            The experiments conducted in this lab are to identify visible constellations, observe features of the moon, note visible planets, as well observe the Orion Nebula and the Andromeda Galaxy, and also distinctively bright starts, including Polaris. This report has six distinctive experiments. The purpose in doing the first experiment is to be able to identify all the constellations of the Zodiac, as well as to identify other visible constellations. In doing so, students are to list down each constellation seen. Not all constellations are visible during a single night. For instance, the Sun is currently in the constellation Aquarius, rendering it non visible on Earth.
            The second experiment requires students to find the Moon, and list certain features about it. By listing the phase, altitude, and azimuth, students are able to gain a better understanding of the way the Moon moves through the sky with respect to time. With the unaided eye, certain maria are visible. With the aid of a telescope, maria and craters are easily visible. This experiment also exhibits a thought question, asking if the Moon can be covered by the width of a finger. Since the Moon is relatively close to the Earth, the answer would seem to be yes, lending to the idea that the angular diameter of the Moon is equal to the width of your finger.
            The third experiment dictates that students find any visible planets and list the constellations they are in currently. Some planets were not visible during the time of the experiment, although our group did find two planets. Jupiter was rising in the east during our observations, while Uranus was visible in the south western sky. By doing this, students could see the rise and setting of planets, as well as note that not all planets are visible during the same time period.
            The fourth experiment requires students to find the Orion Nebula, as well as the Andromeda Galaxy. This is only possible with the aid of a telescope. Students were to note if they were fuzzy, the altitude, azimuth, and time. Since the two objects are such a distance away, Orion Nebula being 1344 light years away and Andromeda Galaxy being 2.5 million light years away, the light from these two objects are not visible with the unaided eye due to the spread of light from the source. Intensity of a light source from a distance is given as W/m^2 in SI units. Since the distance is thousands to millions of light years, the intensity of that source, although very powerful at the origin, is unobservable from Earth with the unaided eye. 
Andromeda Galaxy false color image.
            The fifth experiment explains to find the five brightest stars in the sky while listing their name, altitude, azimuth, as well of the time of observation. This was done to find different stars that reside in different constellations.The five brightest stars that we listed were: Sirius, Betelgeuse, Capella, Rigel, and Procyon.
Photo showing three of our five listed stars: Sirius, Betelgeuse, and Procyon
            The sixth experiment tells to find Polaris and measure the altitude, azimuth, and compare it to Springfield. Polaris is known as the North Star due to its relative altitude and azimuth to the latitude of a person's position on Earth. Springfield’s latitude is 37.1950̊, and since this fact is mentioned, it is logical to think that the azimuth of Polaris will be comparable to Springfield’s latitude. Polaris lies 360̊ north, with an estimated azimuth of 35̊ above the horizon in Springfield, MO. When measured, Polaris's azimuth was 350̊. With a better tool to measure the altitude of Polaris, the two values would most likely be much closer. 
Polaris viewed from near North Pole time lapse.

All astronomical observations were made using a telescope, the unaided eye, a compass, a rough estimation technique for the azimuth using a fist for 10̊ and a thumb width for 2̊, as well as the app Star Chart for reference to confirm our observations.

Results and Discussion
Experiment One
          Using StarChart on your phone, identify as many constellations as you can that are currently visible. Mark them for later reference. We were able to observe Cassiopeia, Perseus, Orion, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Leo, as well as Andromeda.

Andromeda Galaxy and Constellation with Cassiopeia Constellation
Leo Constellation directly above Jupiter

         Find the constellations of the zodiac. Orion and Leo were the only two visible during our observations of the sky.

                                                       Experiment Two  
Locate the moon if it is visible. What is the phase of the moon? Waxing Gibbous. 
What is its approximate altitude and azimuth? 180̊ South, 70̊ up
Can you cover it up with the tip of your finger, at arm’s length with one eye closed?  Yes. It can be covered fairly easily.
Knowing that the width of your finger is approximately two degrees when held at arm’s length, what is the approximate angular diameter of the moon? Around 2̊.  
Is it easier or harder to see stars next to the Moon? It is harder to see stars that are within a general radius of the Moon, 
Why might that be? Light pollution from the Moon. Since the Moon is in the Waxing Gibbous phase, a large amount of sunlight is reflecting off the surface of the Moon.
What craters can you identify? None with the naked eye, although with a telescope, I was able to identify the crater Plato

What maria can you identify? I was able to easily identify Mare Imbirum. 

Experiment Three
Locate as many planets as you can and identify the constellations they are in. At approximately what altitude and azimuth angles are they located at? What is the time of your observations? We were able to observe Uranus and Jupiter. 

Planet Viewed
Time (p.m.)
Constellation Residing
25̊ NE
255̊ SW

Experiment Four 
If they are visible, Find the Orion nebula and the Andromeda galaxy.  Were you able to see that they are “fuzzy” and and not “star like” single points of light? Yes, I was able to view them and see a faint fuzzy light. 
At approximately what altitude and azimuth angles are they located at? What is the time of your observations?  

Object Viewed
Time (p.m)
Andromeda Galaxy
255̊ SW
Orion Nebula
210̊ SW

When you looked at the Andromeda Galaxy, you were seeing the light of 100 billion stars. Could you tell? Was it really bright? If not, why not? I was not able to tell the scale. In the telescope, the Andromeda Galaxy seemed like a small fuzzy spot in the middle of the view. The brightness was very faint. This is due to the way intensity of light is. The further away the observation is made from the source, the intensity becomes less proportionally to the distance squared.

Experiment Five
Identify five of the brightest stars in the sky right now by name.  What are their approximate altitudes and azimuth angles and what time did you make the observations? 

Stars Viewed
Time (p.m)
150̊ SE
217̊ SW
282̊ NW
173̊ SE
116̊ SE
Experiment Six 
Find Polaris. To the nearest two degrees, how many degrees above the horizon is it (altitude)? 36̊
What is the azimuth angle of Polaris? 350̊  Northeast
How does that compare to the latitude of Springfield (37.1950̊ North) The two are very similar, due to the azimuth of Polaris, also known as the North Star. At the North Pole, the altitude of Polaris is 90̊, while at the equator the altitude is . With the same concept, at our position of 37.1950̊, the altitude of Polaris should be equal.

            This lab helped us to familiarize with the constellations, stars, planets, and moon, as well as using altitude, azimuth, and time to become more acquainted with some basic astronomical techniques. The lab showed us different astronomical phenomena that we don’t get to see on a daily basis, such as the Andromeda Galaxy, and a close up view of the Moon and Jupiter. By observing all of this, one can get an understanding of position of constellations, stars, and planets in the sky, and how they move with respect to time.

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