Thursday, March 31, 2016


Name: Trey Riley
Lab Experiment #8: Spectroscopy
Date: March 30, 2016

          The purpose of this lab and this report is to become familiarized with the chemical compositions of elements, and the practices and methods of determining elemental composition. A spectrometer was used, as well as a diffraction grating, to see the visible spectra produced by different elemental gases, as well as continuous spectra from certain light sources. Seven sources of light were observed with a spectrometer. Our goal was to determine which element made up the gas by using data recorded from observations with the spectrometer. Once the data was recorded, our data was either confirmed or denied by online sources. These sources eventually lead us to the conclusion of the six different elements present in each light source.

            This report has three distinctive experiments. The purpose in doing the first experiment is to become familiar with a diffraction grating and a spectrometer. A ceiling light was viewed with the diffraction grating, and the spectrum observed was to be recorded. The spectrometer was then calibrated on a light source to use for the rest of the experiment. Important features of the spectrometer were to be noted, such as the wavelength scale labeled from 700 to 400 nanometers from left to right. Proper usage was demonstrated and repeated by students, and thus the rest of the experiment began.
Spectrometer used during experiment

The second experiment conducted consisted of viewing an incandescent bulb with the spectrometer. A continuous spectrum was to be observed if the spectrometer was calibrated correctly. The patterns of color were to be noted on the wavelength scale. The end of the spectrum was also to be noted on the far left and far right to indicate the wavelength limits of the sensitivity of the human eye.
In the third experiment, several spectra of elements were observed at different stations. The spectrometer was to be used, and specific wavelengths were to be recorded. The color of the gas, as well, was to be noted to help indicate which element is within the unlabeled gas tubes. Specific elements emit only one color of light to the human eye. This color that we see is actually all of the different colors in the elements spectrum blended together. Pictures were to be taken of our spectra that we observed, but taking the picture was much harder than expected, viewing the spectrum through the narrow slit of the spectrometer.
Throughout each individual experiment, a spectrometer or diffraction grating was used. When determining composition of gases, online sources were consulted to confirm or deny or results. If an ambiguous answer was given by an online source, another was consulted until a confirmation was given that multiple students could agree upon. Pictures were not taken of the spectrum I observed due to the difficulty of the operation. Spectra of elements were found online through a spectrometer that closely resembled what I viewed.

Results and Discussion
Experiment One
            The continuous spectrum was observed from the ceiling light using the diffraction grating. The spectrometer was calibrated, and all important features were known. In the picture, the closest to the light source is violet, while the furthest is red.
Diffraction grating of ceiling light

Experiment Two
            The continuous spectrum was observed using the spectrometer. The wavelength limits of the sensitivity of the human eye were though to be 700 to 400 nanometers, but the exact quantities seemed to be 660 and 420.
Continuous spectrum observed from desk lamp

Experiment Three
            Seven stations were observed with a spectrometer. All measurements are in nanometers, (10^(-9))m.
      Station 1: Continuous spectrum observed from incandescent light bulb
·         Station 2: Emission lines observed at 655, 590, 490 
Hydrogen emission spectrum
      Observed Gas: Faint Purple 
Hydrogen gas
      Conclusion: Hydrogen
·         Station 3: Multiple emission lines observed from 700-580, 540, 535, 505  
Neon emission spectrum
     Observed Gas: Bright Red Orange 
Neon gas
      Conclusion: Neon
·         Station 4: Emission lines observed at 590, 560, 510 and 430 
Krypton emission spectrum
     Observed Gas: Bright Faint Blue 
Krypton gas
      Conclusion: Krypton
·         Station 5: Emission lines observed at 700, 660, 580, 495, 485, 463, 420, 400 
Helium emission spectrum
      Observed Gas: Faint Orange 
Helium gas
      Conclusion: Helium
·         Station 6: Emission lines observed at 615, 590, 575, 545, 495, 485 
Sodium emission spectrum
     Observed Gas: Bright Orange/Yellow 
Sodium gas
      Conclusion: Sodium
·         Station 7: Emission lines observed at 575, 545, 490, 430, 400 
Xenon emission spectrum
     Observed Gas: Bright White 
Xenon gas
      Conclusion: Xenon


The objective of this lab and report was to gain a better understanding of spectrometry. This was achieved through use of a diffraction grating and spectrometer. Different spectra were observed through different methods. Incandescent bulbs produce a continuous spectrum through a diffraction grating and a spectrometer. Each separate gas tube held a different gas with different and unique spectra. Data did not directly prove one gas, but definitely implied one gas. Some source for error may have been light from other station being observed in the spectrometer causing false readings, or possibly reading some spectra of the oxygen and nitrogen gas in air. Dealing with each type of spectra helped students gain a better and more practical application of how spectrometry is used in astronomy. 

1 comment:

  1. About "The wavelength limits of the sensitivity of the human eye were though to be 700 to 400 nanometers, but the exact quantities seemed to be 660 and 420":
    You should have tried using say 10 lamps at the same time and cover the center of the spectrogram.
